ann arbor hands on museum
Travel Tips, Trip Reports

3 Things to Love about Ann Arbor’s Hands On Museum

Ann Arbor may not be one of the top family travel destinations in the United States but it is a wonderful city with so much to offer visitors.  Besides the famous University of Michigan and lovely Matthaei Botanical Gardens, and a variety of museums there are awesome restaurants and a cool vibe that makes everyone feel at home.  One of the must do attractions in Ann Arbor for families is the children’s museum there.  Here are the Precious Mommy’s top three reasons to visit the Ann Arbor Hand’s On Museum.

ann arbor museum michigan

It’s the perfect combo of learning and fun for kids .

The Ann Arbor Hand’s On Museum is a science museum for children that incorporates fun play space and constructive learning opportunities. The museum has a variety of activities for children of all ages but I would suggest that ages 3-10 would get the most enjoyment out of their visit.

ann arbor hands on museum

The museum features over 10 interactive exhibits as well as two large ScienceWorks rooms which hold staff led experiments and activities. As the museum caters to families and children the facilities are very family friendly with elevators, multiple bathrooms, and inexpensive lockers and a coat room. There is also a science themed gift shop on the main level for books and other fun items to spark your kids imaginations.

ann arbor hands on museum michigan

Convenient location in downtown Ann Arbor

We found the museum easy to locate in the downtown Ann Arbor area. It was a short walk from our hotel and there were many family friendly restaurants within walking distance. About a 10 minute car ride from the campus of University of Michigan it’s also close to the UMich Science and History Museum and other museums on campus.

ann arbor hands on museum

ann arbor hands on museum

ann arbor hands on museum michigan

Reciprocal membership for ASTC passholders

One of the top reasons we keep a membership to the Orlando Science Center in our home city is that it is a ASTC (Association of Science and Technology Centers) affiliated museum. When you hold a membership to an ASTC location you receive special benefits when you visit other affiliated sites. At the Ann Arbor Hand’s On museum we were allowed complimentary (free!!) admission! It was a great surprise and it allowed us to visit twice within our short stay in Ann Arbor. General admission prices are reasonable as well: $12 for adults and children 2 and older.

ann arbor hands on museum

ann arbor childrens museum

ann arbor childrens museum michigan

If you’re visiting the Ann Arbor area with kids I would highly recommend including a stop at the Hand’s On Museum. It’s a great place to spend a few hours with the kids that will be as informative as it is fun.


Have any of you been to this museum? If not, where is your favorite science museum to visit as a family?

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  • Reply chava February 21, 2018 at 3:37 pm

    Omg those teeth!! Great pics.. My kids would have a ball here!!

  • Reply Ashley February 21, 2018 at 4:28 pm

    What a fun place! I love science and technology museums! We love the Discover Center in Springfield, MO – it looks VERY similar to this one!

    • Reply Jeuelle Sam February 21, 2018 at 8:52 pm

      I find there are some similarities to the best children’s museums we’ve visited, across the country!

  • Reply Katie February 21, 2018 at 6:07 pm

    What a cool musean, my kids would love to go somewhere like this! Thanks for sharing tips!

  • Reply Rachel February 22, 2018 at 11:51 am

    My kids love museums where they can actually do things. This one looks fun. If we are ever in Michigan, we will have to go!

  • Reply Barbara Alfeo February 22, 2018 at 4:23 pm

    Looks so fun- the giant set of teeth cracked me up!

  • Reply Bianca Dottin March 1, 2018 at 12:21 pm

    This museum looks like a place my daughter would love! She loves touching everything, lol. We don’t have anything like this in Orlando but I think a trip to Ann Arbor would be worth it for this.

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