the baths virgin gorda
Travel Tips

Tips for Visiting the Baths on Virgin Gorda

The Baths on Virgin Gorda may be one of the most popular places to visit in the Caribbean.  These limestone rock formations on the pristine Devil’s Bay are iconic and a must see for travelers to the Virgin Islands.  We had done a lot of research prior to our visit to the Baths and after our incredible visit we created our own list of tips for a successful, stress free visit to the Baths.

Prepare for an active day of walking and climbing

Devil’s Bay National Park is a lovely, well maintained natural area on Virgin Gorda.  The bay is located at the bottom of the park, down a somewhat rugged path through dry bush land.  The hike down can take 10-15 minutes.  Once you arrive at the Baths, you’ll be climbing and wading through the epic rock formations, some of which are slick and wet.  As beautiful as the adventure is, being prepared for some physical exertion and activity is highly recommended.

Dress appropriately for small hike and climbing rocks

Considering how active you’ll be for the day you should plan to dress properly for your adventure.  We found that water shoes were perfect as they protected our feet and made the descent to the Baths relatively easy, despite the rocky path.  When wading and climbing the baths, the water shoes were helpful as well, though at a certain point I removed mine and finished the hike barefoot.  Opinions vary on whether waters shoes are necessary when climbing the rock formations; I found it just as easy barefoot as when I had on the shoes!  I think you can do the climb either way.

Bring water proof/dive bag or travel light

There are lockers available at the top of the Baths but it is a long walk down hill to the beach so it is recommended that you bring a waterproof bag or just limit the amount of things you carry with you.  I saw some people carrying small beach bags during their hike but those are not as practical as there are many times as you proceed through the Baths that you may have to use both hands to steady yourself and occasionally may be on all fours climbing rocks.  A cross body back pack would be better if you cannot secure a water proof bag.  Also, make sure that you don’t bring anything you wouldn’t want to get wet!  Because of the nature of the climb through the baths, it’s possible that you and your belongings may become soaked or splashed.

Bring a Go Pro or other water proof camera

We had an epic fail on our Virgin Islands trip in that we left our sports camera at home 🙁  I bought an old school film based water proof disposable camera and the pictures came out horribly.  You only want to bring a camera that will survive getting wet so invest in a Go Pro or one of it’s inexpensive cousins.

Definitely spend time at Devil’s Bay

Stepping out from the rocky maze of the Baths onto beautiful Devil’s Bay is a memorable experience.  The perfect beauty of the beach places it near the top of the list of my favorite beaches in the world.  After your fun climb through the Baths, treat yourself to an hour or so relaxing on the beach or swimming in the crystal clear waters of Devil’s Bay.

top of the baths lunch

Have lunch or a drink at Top of the Baths

After your day spent slipping climbing through the Baths and swimming in Devil’s Bay, be sure to treat yourself to lunch or a drink at the Top of the Baths restaurant.  Located, you guessed it, at the top of hill near the entrance to the path down to the baths, it offers gorgeous views of the island and the water.

It features covered and outdoor seating as well as a nice pool!  The food we had there was great, generous portions and good quality Caribbean and grill options on the menu.  It’s a great way to end  your day.

We can’t wait to go back to Virgin Gorda and visit The Baths with our girls.  Have any of you had a chance to explore the Baths?

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  • Reply Olivia August 2, 2017 at 12:13 pm

    Looks like a beautiful place to visit! I love taking pics on vacation and don’t own a waterproof anything! This place definitely requires some proper planning! Thanks for your tips!

  • Reply Sheena Steward August 2, 2017 at 12:29 pm

    The pictures were so beautiful! I hate that you left your Go-Pro at home. I think this is good advice for any type of adventure that involves tons of walking and water. I’m going on vacay next month and I wrote down some of the tips/tricks for me to use. Thanks so much!

  • Reply Karen Akpan August 2, 2017 at 12:51 pm

    This looks great. I had to head to Google to find out exactly where this is located lol. But I’m glad I did because it looks great and I’d love to visit myself :). Thanks for sharing.
    And I love your photos, and yea a Go Pro is a one of our priced possessions. We take it with us everywhere we go 😛

  • Reply Dominique August 2, 2017 at 9:54 pm

    These pictures are beautiful! I would love to see that firsthand? How was that lunch?

    • Reply Jeuelle Sam August 3, 2017 at 11:46 am

      The lunch was AWESOME! I love eating local when traveling in the Caribbean 🙂

  • Reply LaShawn August 3, 2017 at 6:24 am

    Why did I have no idea about this place! Omg! I am going to add this to my travel bucket list! This looks beautiful!

  • Reply Kim August 3, 2017 at 5:49 pm

    Virgin Gorda is beautiful! I remember not being able to go at the time because I was prego. There’s a lot of walking, etc. making it not safe for a prego, but my sister and nieces went and loved it. Great pics.

  • Reply Eva August 3, 2017 at 7:56 pm

    That looks like an amazing trip! My husband is a Caribbean beach/water addict. Let me get my life together and get us there… great photos!

  • Reply Kita August 3, 2017 at 10:24 pm

    This beach is breathtaking. I’ve never heard of Virgin Gorda until now. I can see myself loving the experience so adding it to my bucketlist.

  • Reply Shabree August 4, 2017 at 6:52 am

    I was born in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, so I’m no stranger to Virgin Gorda. Looks like you had a great time and was able to do some key things (like eating good food). Lol. I’m planning a trip back home as we speak.

  • Reply Thirty30Courtney August 4, 2017 at 11:44 am

    I went to the Baths in 2015 and it was gorgeous! I was on a boat cruise and went to four islands on BVI but The Baths was one of my favorite memories from that trip. I loved climbing through the rocks.

  • Reply Mimi Green August 4, 2017 at 11:57 am

    This looks like my kind of adventure. Babe and I love to hike and all of that so this would be a great couples trip for us. The water looks so refreshing and I’m always down for eating good food.

  • Reply Briana August 7, 2017 at 9:51 am

    Goodness this place looks absolutely beautiful! Adding this to my travel list now.

  • Reply Nicole August 7, 2017 at 10:03 pm

    I never heard of this place and want to go now! Thank you for introducing this location to all of us. Especially me!

    • Reply Jeuelle Sam August 21, 2017 at 10:09 am

      My pleasure! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  • Reply Toni August 7, 2017 at 10:06 pm

    Beautiful pictures! That cave is to die for. Looked like you guys had an amazing time.

  • Reply Tomika B August 7, 2017 at 10:58 pm

    This is beautiful! I’ve never heard of it and now I can’t wait to add it to my travel list.

    • Reply Jeuelle Sam August 21, 2017 at 10:07 am

      I know you’ll love it when you visit!

  • Reply Shelly August 8, 2017 at 9:47 am

    OMG! This is soooo beautiful! The rock formations are just amazing. The Virgin Islands is on our list of places to visit and I’ll be sure to add Virgin Gorda to the schedule.

    • Reply Jeuelle Sam August 21, 2017 at 10:09 am

      I think the Virgin Islands are a MUST when considering the Caribbean. Plus, flying into St. Thomas (largest & most convenient airport nearby)is super easy from the US!

  • Reply Chrystal, ChryssVI August 8, 2017 at 11:11 pm

    This makes me miss home so bad. Breathtaking views

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