The third day of our cruise aboard Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas was a sea day; we were slowly making our way back to Fort Lauderdale and would be arriving the next morning. We slept in a bit, thanks to the perpetual darkness of our inside stateroom. Today we decided to go to Johnny Rockets for breakfast and skip the Windjammer. As much as we loved the food offerings there we wanted to avoid the inevitable crowds. Johnny Rockets serves complimentary breakfast every day so we figured we’d give it a try, though we are not typically fans of diner food.
Johnny Rockets is located in the Boardwalk neighborhood and we were surprised at how quiet it was there. We were seated almost immediately at an outside table. It was lovely to sit in the sunshine with a gentle ocean breeze blowing and views of the sea from beyond the Aquatheatre. Our server was friendly and efficient. The menu was varied and the kitchen easily made substitutions for us as we didn’t want any of the meat options included in the meals.
After breakfast we dropped the girls off at Adventure Ocean for a little play time and then Hubby and I headed up the Solarium again for some peace and quiet. We read and surfed the internet for a couple hours before hustling back to the kids area to pick up the girls; on sea days the club closes from 12pm-2pm.
Lunch was in the Windjammer which was, again packed. We shared a table with a couple of ladies because we couldn’t find any free tables at all. After lunch we went onto the pool deck to score some soft serve ice cream from the Wipe Out Cafe. We spotted these cool surfboard themed benches and the girls took a break.
There were great views of the ocean from the wall of windows surrounding the pool deck. It was truly relaxing.
After ice cream on the deck we decided to wander a bit, strolling through the Central park neighborhood and ran into Kung Fu Panda!!
The girls then asked to ride the carousel again so we went down to the Boardwalk area and let them ride and play in the kids play areas down there. Also, we ran into this guy from the movie How to Train Your Dragon….

When Adventure Ocean opened again we dropped off the girls for more play time with their new friends. I really don’t remember all that Hubby and I did that afternoon. I do remember starting to pack up our clothing; in preparation for disembarkation, if you do not want to carry your own bags off the ship the next day, you must put your packed luggage outside your door between 7pm and 11pm that night. So, Hubby got some work done while I packed and did a little writing.
We allowed the girls to stay in the Kids club for dinner and decided to try out Sabor, the taqueria on the Boardwalk for dinner.
The restaurant is a relaxed atmosphere, open air with a bar and has a fun vibe. Our waiter was really fun and helpful, giving us tips on the menu and making suggestions based on our diets. Everything we ate there was very good.
This restaurant is not complimentary. Instead of a flat rate cover charge like the Solarium Bistro and Giovanni’s table, the pricing is a la carte, meaning you pay for each item you order, similar to a regular restaurant.
After dinner we wandered back up to the pool deck. Unfortunately there was a private event in the Solaruim that night 🙁 . We decided to just hang out on the main pool deck which was primarily deserted at this time. We found a seat in a nook somewhere on padded lounge chairs and people watched. The event in the Solarium was apparently a 70s themed party and every now and then a couple of people would walk by in outrageous attire and in fun spirits. We considered running down to the AquaTheatre show or one of the production shows in the Opal Theatre but we were so relaxed on the pool deck, with the fresh breeze blowing and the relative quiet, we stayed put.
We picked up our daughters earlier that night, in anticipation for our early departure the next day. They were sad to leave, hugging their friends and the staff members they’d grown attached to in the few days they were in Adventure Ocean. Everyone quickly fell asleep that night exhausted but happy, because we had just had an amazing 3 days aboard the largest cruise ship in the world. Details on our final morning aboard the ship and disembarkation coming soon…
Have any of you had a chance to cruise on the Oasis or Allure of the Seas? If so, what was your most memorable part of the trip?
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